
Store manager for magento professional edition
Store manager for magento professional edition

  • Take control over multiple Magento stores.
  • Configure exported Amazon feed fields (title, description, weight, images and others).
  • Powerful report functionality - get in-time statistics and analyze how you business goes.
  • Database backup and restore - protect data before global changes implementation.
  • Powerful POS - create orders in a few seconds via one-page Magento POS.
  • Approachable customer and order management.
  • Mass generation of simple products basing on configurable product in 3 clicks.
  • User Rights and Permission control - create employee profiles and set permissions for them.
  • Store Diagnostics at your disposal - reveal products, which are not assigned to any category, images that are not linked to any merchandise, missing product images, products without images.
  • Build impressive store imagery - add Magento images manually, drag-and-drop images directly from the browser, import local or remote pictures, add images from FTP easily.

  • Bulk update product details and maintain inventory with the help of Product and Inventory Multi Editors.
  • Ultimate attribute management - attributes, attribute sets, attribute groups - everything in one window, handy and effective.
  • Useful Magento filter and search possibilities - use built-in filters or create custom ones, find out necessary products via advanced search form.
  • Efficient category management possibilities - create, alter, remove categories, change category position, assign categories to multiple products, change hierarchy.
  • Store Manager supports all Magento product types - simple, configurable, grouped, bundle, virtual, downloadable.
  • Multitude of product handling operations - create, modify, remove product listings, clear certain product details, clone or copy/paste merchandise.
  • Export products, categories, attribute sets, custom options, customers, orders, abandoned carts and related details to CSV file.
  • Upload product categories from CSV file via comprehensive category import wizard.
  • Comprehensive Magento import wizard - append products of different types to database from CSV, XML, XLS, XLSX, TXT and ODS files.

  • Store manager for magento professional edition